Mission Issues

Thinking and re-thinking missionary issues

Church planting

This evening (I’m still in Russia) I was invited to speak to the senior class about church planting. At least, this was the topic which they had on their program, but I wasn’t really prepared to speak about this as I don’t consider myself an expert on this. I therefore started sharing with them about our work in Swaziland amongst people living with HIV & AIDS. And I then challenged them with the question why we want to plant churches. Is it because we really want to make a difference in the world (or at least in the community where the church is situated) or is it because we want to be able to boast about our abilities.

 Someone once asked me whether the community would be sad if my church doors should close. This got me thinking about my purpose. I’ve found my answer. But isn’t that something one should think about before planting a new church. What am I going to do to bring a positive change in this community if I should plant a new church? If the answer is “nothing” or “I don’t know” then why bother to plant a church?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007 - Posted by | Uncategorized


  1. I think that’s a great way of looking at a Church. If the doors should close up one day for good, how would it affect the community? This is especially important for Churches in developing nations where the Church is a major source of sustainment and outreach to the community. Also, it’s interesting to read about the 7 seven churches Jesus addresses in Revelation 2. Only 2, Smyrna and Philadelphia, have no condemning marks made against them and they are characterized as being the smallest, poorest and most persecuted. God Bless you this week in Russia Dr. Arnau and may his light shine through you!

    Comment by Bryan | Friday, April 20, 2007 | Reply

  2. Hi Bryan,

    Sorry for taking so long to respond to what you wrote. Internet access hasn’t been possible the last few days. I am still in Russia but will be returning to my home country on the 1st of May. Thanks for what you wrote about the churches in Revelation. You are quite right in mentioning that two of the smallest, poorest and most persecuted churches are distinguished in having no condemning remarks made against them. The opposite is also true, that Laodicea, the rich congregation, has nothing positive going for it. Obviously, one should be careful in seeing wealth as the factor which determines whether one is acceptable to God or not. But if a church’s wealth leads to an attitude of complacency (whch unfortunately does still happen) then the warning in Revalations is particularly relevant.

    Comment by Arnau van Wyngaard | Friday, April 27, 2007 | Reply

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